Master in Pharmabusiness & Biotech


En Madrid (España)

$ 231,749.08 IVA inc.

*Precio estimado

Importe original en EUR:

12,750 €

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  • Tipología


  • Lugar

    Madrid (España)

  • Duración

    1 Año

  • Prácticas en empresa

Objetivo del curso: The Programme offers all participants the opportunity to acquire and broaden their knowledge of the BioPharma Business from a local and international perspective, to develop evaluation criteria and apply management tools in the main functional areas of the BioPharma Industry. At the same time, all participants will perfect their communication skills and usage of the English language. Destinatarios del curso: University degree (final year students' applications will be considered). Non-graduates with at least two years' experience will also be admitted provided they fulfil the language criteria.

Sedes y fechas disponibles



Madrid (España)
Ver mapa
C/ San Bernardo, 79, 28015



Acerca de este curso

University degree. Non-graduates with at least two years' experience will also be admitted provided they fulfil the language criteria.

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Programa académico

· MODULE I The BioPharmaceutical Industry & Environment 3.0
· MODULE II Finance & Management 4.0
· MODULE III R&D, Medical Affairs 5.5
· MODULE IV Regulatory & Corporate Affairs 4.0
· MODULE V Pharmaceutical Marketing 15.0
· MODULE VI Business Communication Skills* 3.5
· MODULE VII Business Plan 15.0
· MODULE VIII Tutored Work Experience** 60.0

TOTAL 110.0

* Certified by the British Council.
** Mandatory for students without experience in the BioPharmaceutical Industry. In the case of professionals currently working in the sector (option Executive) the Master has a complementary element of 50 credits.

Información adicional

Prácticas: Students without experience in the BioPharmaceutical sector will undertake a tutored internship (remunerated) during the entire Programme in one of the collaborating companies.
Observaciones: Prácticas en empresa remuneradas con 800€ mensuales
Número de alumnos por clase: 20
Descripción del precio: Fees: € 12,750.00 / Executive option: € 11,750.00 Methods of Payment: Accepted students will pay an amount of € 1,500.00 for inscription and place reservation (included in the total fee of the Programme). Funding: Once the inscription has been made, the balance can be paid in 9 equal instalments. Tutored work experience is remunerated with a minimum € 800 per month. Members of AEFI and FEBiotec have a discount of 10% of the total fees of the Master.

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Master in Pharmabusiness & Biotech

$ 231,749.08 IVA inc.

*Precio estimado

Importe original en EUR:

12,750 €