Spanish Advanced


En Puebla

$ 31,268.49 IVA inc.

*Precio estimado

Importe original en USD:

$ 1,845

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¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiarlo en cómodas cuotas mensuales.


  • Tipología


  • Nivel

    Nivel avanzado

  • Lugar


  • Duración

    1 Mes

Objetivo del curso: Our goal is to help you communicate in Spanish. Destinatarios del curso: This program is for individuals all around the world that are serious about learning or improving their Spanish.

Sedes y fechas disponibles



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15 Poniente #504



Acerca de este curso

A Great desire to learn or improve your Spanish.

Preguntas & Respuestas

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Sólo publicaremos tu nombre y pregunta


Programa académico

The duration of our courses is 4 weeks; which is the ideal time to complete one of our five levels. Our courses are intesive 6-hours a day in which two of them are actually hands on Spanish.

You will receive as part of your course a Textbook, a Workbook to accompany your textbook, a Verb-conjugation book (5.000 verbs), and a Spanish Encyclopedic Dictionary.

  • Morning classes are from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (maximum 6 students)

  • Afternoon classes are from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm (one student/instructor)

Morning classes: In the morning you will cover different components of the language. You will have Spanish Grammar, Spanish vocabulary and Practice, Interactive Lab, Spanish Reading, Pronunciation, Culture, Writing, etc.

Afternoon classes: In the afternoon you will have one-on-one hands on practice of the grammar and vocabulary you learned in the morning classes as you practice your Spanish Conversation with a native speaker. The native speaker will escort you to places of interest an talk you in Spanish. You will be given a list of all the places of interest in Puebla with an explanation of each, so you will be able to decide which places you will like to visit.

Llama al centro

¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiarlo en cómodas cuotas mensuales.

Spanish Advanced

$ 31,268.49 IVA inc.

*Precio estimado

Importe original en USD:

$ 1,845